Challenge - 01 (3 Months Challenge) : Day - 21 : Week - 04 (September 21st, 2020 : Monday)

Challenge - 01 (3 Month Challenge)

1) Wake up at 07:30 AM => 08:05 AM (0/30 : Day-01)

               Considering all the rules I made yesterday, I failed in the 5AM club challenge. I was not able to get out of bed at 07:30AM. But sometimes there are things that make you leave even the high priority things of your life. The good thing is that I was totally in control. I did wake up at 07:15AM which was my target and yet stayed in bed up to 08:05AM. Although last night I felt that I will not be able to do it at all because I slept really late. But still I managed to wake up on time and in fact I felt fresh even after so little sleep. Then why did I stayed in bed until so late? Let's just say that is not important right now. At the end, it will be 0 points for the 5AM Club challenge. That's a zero on Day - 1 of the scoring. And yet I am not really disappointed. That should say it all. I am not sure about tomorrow though.

2) Belly-Burn - 10k Steps =>   steps at  PM (0.5/30 : Day-01)

                  Angamardhana => Done in the morning (0.5/30 : Day-01)

              Angamardhana done. That's right. Even after waking up late, I managed to do it in the morning. Although, I did it the way Isha teachers teach on day - 01 of the training. The complete cycle will happen on Day- 04 and then continue daily. I am doing it after more than a years gap. So if I pushed it all on day - 01, there were high chances that I might not be able to do it on 2nd day. So the plan is to take it slowly and from the 4th day i.e. coming Thursday, do a complete cycle.

               About Steps, I completed my target 10k at around 11:30PM. It was challenging. It really felt. I can feel bumps in my thighs and I am actually exhausted today. First time in this challenge I am so tired at the end of the day. Maybe the combination of Angamardhana & 10k steps was a bit too heavy on Day-01. Let's see what happens tomorrow.

Signing Off.

For Details of the challenge.

Optimization - 01
