5AM Club : Day - 12 : Week - 02 (September 12th, 2020)

It is a wonderful morning today. Because I woke up at 05:45AM. Yes that's right. I know that is way earlier than my current target (08:10AM). I just observed for real or rather I must say that I experienced How much can be done way before everyone else wakes up if you just have an hour extra in the morning. This challenge is bringing a lot of positive things in my life. The realization of it in itself is a big thing for me. 

I wonder, whether those who do wake up regularly on time realize what gift they have. It's like those who are ill can know the value of being healthy but the one's who are healthy many times don't value it. I hope tomorrow morning will also be as wonderful as today.

Signing Off.


 For Details of the challenge.


